Scyphozoan v1.0 Launch

I made this game in about 8-9 hours of continuous work, learning the program along the way.

It's definitely very bare-bones at the moment although there are a few little things that can change depending on what you pick up and when, nothing too cool admittedly. I had a lot of cool ideas about how certain items change dialog I just don't know how to make them happen yet. Which is why I'm excited to keep working with game design and especially Bitsy. I'm not sure if I'll update this one or just make a second installment.

For some reason I could not get a proper gif saved of the bedroom area, after 12 attempts I just gave up which is why there's a still image of it on the page. I'm not proud of that but it'll do for now. I uploaded one of the many failed attempts to this post.

The writing of the game is definitely below average, I had only a short paragraph of what I wanted the idea to be going into it. I made almost all of it up as I went, mostly drawing from real life experience and events. 

I'm interested in continuing Scyphozoan, with a name as cool as that how couldn't I? I plan to move away from a more personal story and want to focus on the more surreal aspects of being a jellyfish. 

Until then, Brio!


Scyphozoan v1.0.html Play in browser
Aug 01, 2022

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